When is a group or private booking right for you ?

  • Do you have a group of 6 or more people?    ( If not, Please Click here for individual bookings  ) 
  • Looking for a Training Provider to come to you?
  • Need a specific Date, Time or Location?
  • Do you have specific training course needs or want to bundle multiple courses?
  • Need a Trainers who are experienced,  engaging and memorable ?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then Excite Safety has got you covered !

Excite Safety provides group and private courses for all sorts of  Small Business, Corporate, School, Sporting and Community groups throughout the Sutherland Shire, Sydney South, Wollongong, Western Sydney, and the Greater Sydney Region.

We can and do travel across NSW and interstate, so , if you are outside of  the Sydney region please contact our team to discuss travel arrangements.

Private Courses are always available during normal business hours, but we also cater for early mornings,  evenings , weekends, multiple days and split delivery. We do our best to be flexible with scheduling so you can minimise the impact of training to your business operations and staff downtime.

Enjoy top notch face to face delivery at your site or receive complimentary use of our spacious training centre in Caringbah NSW for the duration of course.   You can also utilise our training rooms to add your own in-house training sessions or staff meetings.

Many of our courses have hybrid delivery options, Allowing your group to learn at thier own pace online and come together to meet assessment requirements.

Choose from any of the nationally recognised courses we have on scope,  any of our professionally designed workshops or we design bespoke training workshops just for your team.


Contact our friendly team to arrange your training today!

Excite Safety are Group Training Specialists

We make organising and managing your group course easy 

When you book a course with us you will recieve the following complimentary benefits 

A Dedicated  course concierge:

Your course concierge will manage your booking from start to finish.   They will assist you with everything from course selection, scheduling,  billing enolments , and course delivery through to managing your team certifications.

Flexible Billing:

We know every group is different so we can adjust our billing processes to suit your course.   We can invoice you for the whole course directly, you can pre-purchase enrolment packages, or we can have your students pay either the full or a subsided fee as they self-enrol.     

Online client portal

Want to keep an eye on things yourself?   Enjoy 24/7  access to our client portal so you can

  • Enrol your students  
  • Check who has self-enrolled and if they have completed any reuired precourse study 
  • Download completed certificates from current and past courses
  • Check Employee certification currency 
Self -Enrolment Links

Save yourself the admin headache with our self enrolment option.    Provide the individual course link to your group members via email ,  on your intranet or ask your concierge for a complimentary Printable QR Code Poster customised with course information to display on your noticeboards / staff rooms.   Your group members can use the link to enrol your course ( with or without a payment)   in thier own time. This reduces issues such as mis-spelt names, incorrect email details and missed attendances.   


Why Book Group Training with Excite Safety ?

Excite Safety are the highest rated training business in Sydney, our clients rave about thier training experience

We have been training in the Sutherland Shire sine 2011 and over 10,000 students have passed through courses deliverd by Excite Safety.

We love it when our students come back to us and tell us about the times they have had to use thier skills and how the training we provided meant that they cound handle the emergency they found themselves in.

Experienced and passionate Trainers:

We don’t do BORING safety.    Sure the topics we teach are serious, but it doenst mena the training has to be a drag.    We only hire the trainers who have real world experience, our trainers all have diverse experience in a range of industries.   They have one thing in common,  we insist they are able to engage with the students and bring the topics to life.     Your students will laugh, they will cry,  they will be engaged in ways that they have not expereinced with other trainers, more importantly they will be active participants in the training and they will leave with life saving skills and the confidence to use them.

Flexible Billing:

We know every group is different so we can adjust our billing processes to suit your course.   We can invoice you for the whole course directly, you can pre-purchase enrolment packages, or we can have your students pay either the full or a subsided fee as they self-enrol.

Online client portal

Want to keep an eye on things yourself?   Enjoy 24/7  access to our client portal so you can

  • Enrol your students
  • Check who has self-enrolled and if they have completed any reuired precourse study
  • Download completed certificates from current and past courses
  • Check Employee certification currency
Self -Enrolment Links

Save yourself the admin headache with our self enrolment option.    Provide the individual course link to your group members via email ,  on your intranet, or ask your concierge for a complimentary Printable QR Code Poster customised with your course information to display on your noticeboards / staff rooms.   Your group members can use the link to enrol your course ( with or without a payment)   in thier own time. This reduces issues such as mis-spelt names, incorrect email details and missed attendances.

